The Enterprise Engagement Alliance views Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as a business opportunity, not a compliance issue. The Enterprise Engagement Alliance ISO 30414 Diversity Opportunity Analysis provides a constructive approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) that utilizes human capital experts and world-wide accepted processes to identify ways to enhance organizational effectiveness through strategic stakeholder management. The process is based on the premise that there is a return-on-investment for effective DEI strategies when incorporated into an overall human capital management process that addresses the needs of the stakeholders critical to success—employees, customers, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities.


What is ISO

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in Geneva was created to help rebuild Europe during the post-World War II Marshall Plan. With 167 countries now involved with ISO, it has thrived ever since in almost all business domains by providing an objective, consensus-based process for establishing guidelines that organizations can use to manage their activities more effectively. ISO publishes over 70 standards related to business processes, including ISO 30414 Human Capital reporting, ISO 10018 for People Engagement, and ISO 30415 for DEI.


The EEA ISO 30414 Audit Process

EEA employs human capital experts certified and/or trained in ISO human capital standards to provide the following services:

  • Conduct a DEI360 survey of all stakeholders to determine the perceived level of inclusion in a manner that can be compared from year to year to track progress.
  • Conduct a gap analysis of the organization’s 14 key human capital practices and metrics related to employees, customers, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities, including the practices and metrics used to foster DEI in each of the categories.  As a frame of reference for effective practices, we also use ISO 10018 People Engagement standards for stakeholder management and ISO 30415 DEI guidelines.
  • Set up a financial reports that links ISO 30414 activities, including DEI, to financial results and other key performance indicators, using one of multiple human capital financial reporting services now available in the market.


The Deliverables

The EEA process provides a human capital report that can be used for internal and public reporting verified by a human capital expert certified in the ISO 30414 human capital reporting standards and knowledgeable in ISO 30415 DEI and ISO 10018 People Engagement standards. The audit report provides:

  • An objective and comparable gap analysis of an organization’s human capital management processes including DEI in every part of its business, starting with purpose, culture, and goals, and including recruitment, health and safety, professional development, communications, rewards and recognition, etc. to determine the degree to which the organization focuses on developing the broadest community of stakeholders.
  • Specific internal recommendations on how to enhance performance through more effective DEI practices.
  • A formal report that tracks the link between DEI and financial and other key goals over time.
  • An optional public human capital report with disclosures verified by an independent human capital expert trained in ISO standards in a manner which enables organizations to protect competitive information while disclosing meaningful, independently verified information.


Advantages of the ISO Standards Process

  • As an international organization involving almost every country in the world, ISO regards DEI first and foremost as an opportunity or organizations to optimize their performance by having the broadest possible marketplace of employees, customers, supply chain and distribution partners, as well as welcoming communities.
  • The ISO process links human capital and DEI to key financial or organizational objectives, thereby creating opportunities for the organization to identify new ways to enhance corporate performance. 
  • ISO standards provide metrics and a roadmap for human capital and stakeholder management.
  • ISO standards provide a clear, objective roadmap for improvement guided by human capital experts with the intent to enhance organizational performance and stakeholder experiences.
  • ISO standards are recognized around the world and are already followed by millions of companies.
  • ISO standards provide a world-recognized format for comparison that respects an organization’s need to protect key competitive data while having independently verified the information disclosed in the human capital report.

Who Enterprise Engagement Alliance

The EEA is the world’s first outreach and educational program for human capital standards that encompass all stakeholders—customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and employees. It was founded and is managed by a diverse of community of experts in all areas of business and in academia, some of whom have served on ISO human capital committees, including ISO 30414 Human Capital and ISO 30415 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion standards. EEA’s founders were the first to propose the creation of ISO employee engagement standards.


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